Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ch. 6 Response

4. Spreadsheets can communicate through graphs or charts. Some people are visual learners, therefore, representing data as a picture instead of numbers can make information easier to understand. Spreadsheets can be used as a productivity tool because students can use formulas to find the answers to problem quickly. If the students needs to use a different formula they can just apply a new formula to their existing information instead of typing in their numbers all over again. This allows students more time to think critically about the data.

I agree with the point the book makes about using spreadsheet. It says that "they must learn about the tool as they learn with the tool". As a teaching method i find learning by doing is the most effective way to learn. I have never learned as much about a subject as when i actually went through a process to learn. Reading books and listening to lectures were never as personal of a learning experience.

My question is mainly how does this apply to an art curriculum? The book used examples in history, mathematics, language arts, and science to use spreadsheet. Spreadsheet seems to be based mainly on the analysis of information. Art involves a lot of critical thinking and analysis of a subject. However, it is still hard for me to perceive a link between the two.

1 comment:

  1. 5/5 you said, "I have never learned as much about a subject as when i actually went through a process to learn." This is so very true for students as well. We all learn best by doing rather than just listening about it.
    Thank you for your excellent reflection.
